Rumors are circulating that some habibi from distant lands has arrived in Raccoonpolis and has made some changes that have caught the attention of alchemists and herbalists. Now they're running two production lines at once and are looking for qualified workers - this could be my chance to move up beyond being a sailor. I'd finally like to experience life in luxury. Fishing trips are starting to get boring, and my apartment feels cramped. I'd prefer some tight women and faster methods of transportation.
Apparently, he arrived at the port on a ship full of yellow bananas, standing on its bow and shouting, "THIS CAN'T BE CZECHIA. WHAT ARE RATS DOING HERE LOL." Everyone says he was looking for a sea route to Czechia because he was tasked with it by his master during a construction conference. Makintosz is a huge entrepreneur with an amazing personality who was sent by the Ape City board to represent their interests in Bangladesh and to find a sea route to Czechia. He builds huge houses and office buildings for the Apes on a daily basis.
He sailed with the Americans. He was something like their ship monkey. Wearing a white-blue striped shirt and red ankle-length pants with a well-fitting brown leather belt and suspenders, he looked like a real captain. Adding to his charm was a white cap with a blue ribbon and anchor symbol, and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. On board, they had so much food from their local fast food network called Corn-Hub that their hourly stopovers seemed necessary. When they walked, there was such loud creaking, as if their only physical activity was running to shelters during hurricanes. Dressed in typical steampunk suits with huge metal goggles, they looked like serious aristocrats or businessmen like Roosevelt.
We met Maka in one of the coastal pubs. He was talking to a group of Lords, sitting on a purple sofa in the VIP lounge and drinking Gin with them. It looked like he really enjoyed it. There were already several empty half-liter bottles next to them. Among them were many women dressed in skimpy outfits. In that crowd, I also noticed her - Maugoshe. Her brown hair and long legs were particularly captivating that day. She was better than all those other women. Just exceptional...
The Lords are generally the royal family. They are somewhat like the presidential office of Raccoonpolis. It consists of a multi-generational family and is inaccessible. The family is somewhat like Romanian families, so, like others related to it, it's a bit like Peaky Blinders. Some members have connections to the Legends, but those who do are more like wannabe Lords and are needy, so the Legends don't like them. Every week at their royal court, there is a virtual DJ concert playing songs by Majka Jeżowska, whom they are huge fans of. They like to party but keep a firm hand over the whole islands.
They manage the Gin production lines and take a lion's share of the commission. They live according to the school of luxury and banter, combining pleasure with work. They like golf and are old gamblers who mainly play poker while sipping Gin. The royal family has 20 generations, so we don't really know where they came from. Their ancestors emigrated from Europe because the legal regulations regarding cryptocurrencies were too strong, and they couldn't bear the oppression of authoritarian rulers. :((( To be one of them, you have to be born into the family or be a handsome, intelligent Spanish fuckboy with huge bumpers and marry one of the great Lord's daughters.
Makintosz gave them a taste of the banana to seal the deal. They seemed to like it too. RECORDINGS OF THIS LEAKED TO THE INTERNET XDDD Thanks to this, Raccoon Corp. released a new product - Gin Ape, which is the result of the collaboration of both nationalities and combines the Raccoonian ideal of art with a degenerate outlook. We had to create more fields and streams of crystal clear water to ensure the quality of the product was not compromised. Makintosz, along with all the Apes, left us a huge fleet of travel ships as a thank you, which makes it easier for us to move to our Parallel Worlds, as the ships were really good for everyday use.
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